Maison Franco-japonaise: 日仏会館 日仏会館・フランス国立日本研究所(Umifre 19 フランス外務省・国立科学研究センター)

言語:JA / FR

日仏会館フランス事務所 / イベント・カレンダー

Justice & Interest / Judicialization

使用言語:英語 (通訳なし)
日時: 2022年01月27日(木)  8:30-11:00 (JST), 17:00-19:30 (JST)
場所: オンライン


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The International Workshop “Justice & Interest/Judicialization” is organized by the French Institute of Research on Japan (Institut français de recherche sur le Japon, UMIFRE 19, CNRS, MEAE) at the Maison franco-japonaise in cooperation with the program “Justice and Interest” (InSHS, CNRS, field: economic philosophy) and the program “Judicialization of social and environmental issues in France and Japan” (IFRJ-MFJ, FFJ at EHESS and University of Tokyo, Institute of Social Science).

Day two

1 8:30 - 10:30 (JST)|00:30 - 2:30 (CET)|18:30 - 20:30 (EST)
2 17:00 - 19:30 (JST)|9:00 - 11:30 (CET)|3:00 - 5:30 (EST)
Moderators: Gilles Campagnolo (CNRS, IFRJ-MFJ) & Adrienne Sala (IFRJ-MFJ, Univ. of Tokyo)

Part 1
Judicialization, Governance and Democracy
8:30 - 10:30 (JST)|00:30 - 2:30 (CET)|18:30 - 20:30 (EST)

8:30 Introduction

8:45 The Impact of Administrative Litigation Reform in Japan
Rieko Kage (Univ. of Tokyo)

9:15 Litigation, Activism, and War Crimes: Asia’s War Reparations Movement as Democratization
Timothy Webster (Western New England Univ.)

9:45 From Manners to Rules: the Legalistic Turn in Governance and Secondhand Smoke Countermeasures in Japan and South Korea
Celeste Arrington (The George Washington Univ.)

10:15 Discussion

Part 2
Law, Environment & Social Justice
17:00 - 19:30 (JST)|9:00 - 11:30 (CET)|3:00 - 5:30 (EST)

17:00 Reflection on a Triptych: Industrial Disasters, International Economic Law and “Socio-Environmental” Justice
Benoît Lopez (Univ. Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines – Univ. Paris Saclay)

17:30 What Does It Change for Japan-Based Lawyers? Legal Practice and/in the Anthropocene
Isabelle Giraudou (Univ. of Tokyo)

18:00 Environmental Inequalities Linked to Waste Management: Case of Mediouna Landfill
Imane Nya (Univ. Mohamed V)

18:30 Human Rights Issues During the Pandemic Covid19 in Japan
Makiko Yoshioka (Univ. Paris 8)

19:00 General discussion & Concluding remarks

Organization: IFRJ-MFJ, International Research Network “Justice & interest” (InSHS du CNRS), Research Program “Judicialization” (Univ. of Tokyo, Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS)
[Call for Papers] International Workshop "Justice & Interest / Judicialization" (Extension of the deadline)

* 日仏会館フランス事務所主催の催しは特に記載のない限り、一般公開・入場無料ですが、参加にはホームページのイベントカレンダーからの申込みが必須となります。警備強化のため、当日の受付に際しては身分証明書の提示をお願いしております。



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日仏会館フランス事務所 / イベント・カレンダー > Justice & Interest / Judicialization


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