Maison Franco-japonaise: 日仏会館 日仏会館・フランス国立日本研究所(Umifre 19 フランス外務省・国立科学研究センター)

言語:JA / FR

日仏会館フランス事務所 / イベント・カレンダー

Lunch Seminar on Japanese Economy and Society

Lawyers and the Construction of Public Problems in Contemporary Japan

使用言語:英語 (通訳なし)
日時: 2018年06月19日(火) 12:30 – 14:00
場所: 601号室
講演者: Adrienne SALA (Sciences Po Lyon, IAO, FFJ of the EHESS)

Since the 1950s, several Japanese lawyers have played a major role in the construction of public problems and the organisation of collective action and legal mobilisation in order to defend weak interest groups (workers, consumers, inhabitants, victims, etc.), obtaining significant legislative changes in the process (e.g. Kitamura, Hirano, Noguchi, Kojima, Kakita & Kuwaki 1959; Upham 1979; Kawahito 2014). 
This presentation will focus on the role of Japanese lawyers in two particular cases of social and legal mobilisation: karōshi/karōjisatsu mondai (death or suicide by overwork / work-related cerebro-cardiovascular diseases) and kure-sara mondai (over-indebtedness / over-borrowing / predatory lending). 
By highlighting lawyers’ involvement in each case (legal mobilisation, strategy, network, resources, context, etc.), we aim to compare the conditions (economic, social, political and judiciary) under which lawyers managed to obtain – or not – legislative and social change.   


Adrienne Sala is lecturer at Sciences Po school in Lyon, postdoctoral researcher at the Lyon Institute of East Asian Studies (IAO), and a member of the France-Japan Foundation at the School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS). She defended her PhD thesis at the EHESS in 2016, titled « The Evolution of the Consumer Credit Regulation in Japan - A Political Economic History ». Her current research topics focus on consumer credit regulation’ s changes and on the role of lawyers in social and legal mobilizations.

Moderator: Sophie BUHNIK (UMIFRE 19 - MFJ)
Organization: UMIFRE 19 - MFJ
Co-organization: CCI France Japon

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日仏会館フランス事務所 / イベント・カレンダー > Lawyers and the Construction of Public Problems in Contemporary Japan


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