Maison Franco-japonaise: 日仏会館 日仏会館・フランス国立日本研究所(Umifre 19 フランス外務省・国立科学研究センター)

言語:JA / FR

日仏会館フランス事務所 / イベント・カレンダー



使用言語:英語 (通訳なし)
日時: 2016年09月30日(金) 12:30〜14:00
場所: 601号室
講演者: スティーブン・ナギー(国際基督教大学)
BannièreLS20160930Stephen Nagy.jpg


This presentation will examine Japanese-Southeast Asia security partnerships from an Southeast Asian perspective. It argues that Japanese-Southeast Asian security partnerships cannot be understood with a blanket formula. Instead, we must divide ASEAN countries into "peripheral-core" and "core-peripheral" countries that have different security challenges and political-economic relationships with China. This bifurcation in two categories encompasses the different competitive advantages each grouping has in terms of their position in the regional and global economic chain. It is the combination of these factors that drives and shapes Southeast Asian strategic approaches and perspectives on Japan Southeast Asia security partnerships. It finds that client-state relations and strategic-balancing based on norms, trade and security partnerships to be the core drivers behind Japanese-Southeast Asia security partnership perceptions and approaches.

Portrait S Nagy.jpgのサムネール画像のサムネール画像

Dr. Stephen R. Nagy has been an Associate Professor in the Department of Politics and International Studies at the International Christian University since September 2014. Previously he was an Assistant Professor at the Department of Japanese Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong from December 2009 to January 2014. He obtained his PhD from Waseda University, Japan in International Relations in December 2008.

His recent funded research projects are “Sino-Japanese Relations in the Wake of the 2012 Territorial Disputes: Investigating changes in Japanese Business’ trade and investment strategy in China”. Currently he is conducting a research project on the entitled “Perceptions and drivers of Chinese view on Japanese and US Foreign Policy in the Region”.

He has published widely in peer-reviewed international journals such as China Perspectives, East Asia, the Journal of Asian Politics and History and the International Studies Review on topics related to trade, nationalism and China-Japan relations. He has also published in think tank and commercial outlets such as the China Economic Quarterly and the World Commerce Review on trade and political risk. In addition to writing in media and policy forms outlets in Japanese and English such as Diamond OnLine, South China Morning Post, the East Asian Forum and Policy-net on issues facing the region, Dr. Stephen R. Nagy is a frequent political/ economic and security commentator on Japan-China-Korea.

Recent Publication:
Nagy, S.R. 2016, 'Diplomatic Signaling or Doublespeak: An analysis of PM Abe's Speech to the US. Congress in 2015 and his Domestic and Foreign Policy Initatives', Journal of Asian Politics and History. Spring 2016, Issue 8, pp.17-30

Nagy, S.R. 2016. "The South China Sea in 2016. Towards recognising the global public good of the SCS," in World Commerce Review. Volume 10. Issue 1. Pheonix Multimedia: United Kingdom. pp. 50-53. ISSN 1751-0023

Nagy, S.R. 2014. “"Nationalism, Domestic Politics and the Japan Economic Rejuvenation,” East Asia. Volume 31. Issue 1. Pp. 5-21.

Nagy, S.R. 2014. “Japanese Business In China— Alive In The Bitter Sea,” China Economic Quarterly: Dragonomics. March pp.31-36.

Nagy, S.R. 2013. “Territorial Disputes, Trade and Diplomacy: Examining the Repercussions of the Sino-Japanese Territorial Dispute on Bilateral Trade,” in China Perspectives. Volume 4. (December), Vol. 4. pp.49-5


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日仏会館フランス事務所 / イベント・カレンダー > 日本とASEANの安全保障パートナーシップ:新進中国への拡散的アプローチ


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