日時: | 2014年02月21日(金) 10:00 - 18:30 |
場所: | 601号室 |
Résumé : From the conception of quasi autonomous artifacts and the design of systems mimicking not only life as it is but also life as it could be, up to the creation of new forms of living components - science and technology have been involved in a spectacular "race" with natural living systems and against them. As research is developing and many of the brightest contemporary scientists and engineers are involved in, the critical appraisal of what is actually at work and at stake for our societies and cultures is needed. How could we make sense of what is happening? Do we have a phenomenon without equivalent in other cultures or other fields of human practices such as art or literature? Do we need another concept of life and of living being? Could humans live with such artifacts without any substantial transformations of what it means to be human? Participants : Thierry Bardini (Université de Montréal) Philippe Codognet (CNRS/University of Tokyo) Paul Dumouchel (Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto) Dominique Lestel (CNRS/University of Tokyo) Perig Pitrou (CNRS/Collège de France) Organization : Bureau français de la MFJ Soutien : ambassade de France au Japon, CNRS, La pépinière CNRS sur la biologie synthétique, JFLI (CNRS/univ. de Tokyo), Fondation Fyssen Contact : To get an invitation to the workshop: D. Lestel, Ph.D., JFLI/Department of Computer Science, University of Tokyo, Dominique.lestel0830@orange.fr |
* 日仏会館フランス事務所主催の催しは特に記載のない限り、一般公開・入場無料ですが、参加にはホームページのイベントカレンダーからの申込みが必須となります。警備強化のため、当日の受付に際しては身分証明書の提示をお願いしております。
日仏会館フランス事務所 / イベント・カレンダー > Life under Influence. Artificial Life, Social Robotics & Synthetic Biology : a Cultural Approach