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Speaker: Taiji SHIROYAMA (Managing Director, RQR Japon)
Property valuation techniques, inherited in particular from the period of financialization in the 1980s and 90s, remain not only subjective, but also partial. However, value perception of buildings is undergoing rapid changes with the advent of sustainable development considerations and regulations. This gap between valuation practices and value perception is creating cognitive dissonance. What's more, the rise of real estate to the status of an asset class in its own right is naturally accompanied by increased demands for professionalism. Specifically, an increased degree of rigour and objectivity. The cognitive and data sciences are opening up new possibilities for sustainability considerations and for improved valuation performance. Especially for many investors and asset managers investing in Japanese real estate, these approaches could become new tools for making objective property evaluations and investment decisions based on previously unavailable data.
Taiji Shiroyama joined Real Quality Rating Group in 2023 as managing director of its newly established Japan subsidiary. Shiroyama has, over a 20-year career in real estate, specialized in investment and development management. This includes expertise in market analysis, strategic planning and project management in the fields of development and construction. Prior to joining RQR, Shiroyama was an acquisition officer at LaSalle Investment Management and CEO of Creative Advisors Inc., a real estate planning and project management firm. He received his B.E. in Electrical Engineering from Waseda University and an M.S. in Civil Engineering from Columbia University. He is also an associate member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA).
Moderator: Raphaël Languillon-Aussel (FRIJ-MFJ) Organization: FRIJ-MFJ Support: CCI France Japon Renseignements :
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