英語 (通訳なし)
日時: |
2016年03月18日(金) 12:30〜14:00 |
場所: |
601号室 |
講演者: |
中居良文(学習院大学) |
Abstract Welcome to a drama set in the Chinese countryside. The main plot is simple: some poor people in Guangdong grow rich. The drama enjoys wide appeal because it is a true story. Guangdong province led the rapid economic growth that marked the 1990s. Shanghai and Shandong followed in the footsteps of Guangdong, and the drama came to have various versions. The main plot remained the same: some people in China became rich. However, although the drama still continues today, its background is not that simple. If you look at the details of what actually happened at that particular time and place, you may find that the drama has ended. The dream is over. You may find some sinister signs of decay: China is paying the price of its miraculous economic growth. “If you’re riding a tiger, it’s hard to get off.”
Profile Yoshifumi Nakai has been teaching Chinese Politics and International Relations at the Department of Political Studies, Gakushuin University, Tokyo, since 2003. From 1994 to 2003 he was Senior Researcher at the Japan Institute of International Affairs and Senior Researcher at the Institute of Developing Economies. He received a Ph.D. in comparative politics at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
【講師】中居良文(学習院大学) 【司会】シルヴィ・ボォ=小林(日仏会館・日本研究センター) 【主催】日仏会館フランス事務所 【共催】在日フランス商工会議所
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日仏会館フランス事務所 / イベント・カレンダー > 2016年3月18日