Maison Franco-japonaise: 日仏会館 Institut français de recherche sur le Japon à la Maison franco-japonaise (Umifre 19, MEAE-CNRS)

Langue:JA / FR


mardi 28 janvier 2025

séminaire doctoral

Japanese Peace Education for the 21st Century

en anglais sans traduction
mardi 28 janvier 2025 / 18:00-20:00
room 601 & online
Maiko SAWADA (Sophia Univ.)

After registration, online participants will receive a Zoom link on the day of the seminar.

Drawing on the French educational theory of devolution, this presentation aims to show how museum visits can complement Japanese secondary school history education to address the issue of migration, where children from different backgrounds study together. Despite Japan's neo-liberal ideology,which emphasises competition for the country's economic progress, there are cultural tensions in Japanese education policy due to elite institutions'disregard for marginalised groups such as migrants. Oral history in a museum setting, initiated by ordinary Japanese civil society, may be necessary to resolve these conflicts. Elsewhere in the world, public history is presented through museums and libraries that serve as public sites for historical research and education. Through this strategy, public history in Japan can transcend academic boundaries and provide young people with the tools they need to become advocates for world peace. This study highlights the importance of enabling young Japanese to develop historical thinking skills for the multicultural Japan of the 21st century.

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Maiko SAWADA is a PhD candidate in Japanese Studies at Sophia University in Tokyo. A native Japanese speaker, she holds a Master's degree in International Studies from the Graduate Institute, Geneva, a Bachelor's degree from International Christian University, Tokyo, and a High School Diploma from Wellington Girls College, New Zealand. She has worked as a translator and lecturer in English communication in Japan. She has recently published a book entitled "Impacts of Museums on Global Communication". She also speaks French.

Moderators: Raphaël LANGUILLON (IFRJ-MFJ), Etienne MARQ (CRCAO)
Organization: FRIJ-MFJ

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