Maison Franco-japonaise: 日仏会館 Institut français de recherche sur le Japon à la Maison franco-japonaise (Umifre 19, MEAE-CNRS)

Langue:JA / FR


Japanese French Research 2012

[ Workshop ]

en anglais sans traduction
Date vendredi 16 novembre 2012 / 14 h - 18 h
Lieu auditorium
The workshop is organized by French public organizations in Japan
such as the French Embassy, the CNRS, the MFJ, the CCIFJ, and
associations such as the ABSCIF and the Sciencescope.

This year, the workshop will be held for 2 days to further extend
the opportunity of the workshop towards both Industries in Japan
and Human and Social Sciences.  To implement that, the first day
is with fixed thema: the Energy, and English will be the official
language.  Researchers and persons from industry are especially
invited to present this field of research and debate on that
topic.  The second day is dedicated to presentations in all
fields of research. The presentations will be either in French or
in English.

Each day is consisted of two plenary sessions and a couple of
contributed paper presentations.  On the first day an panel
discussion by industrial partners, animated by a professional
journalist is held.

Plenary Session 1: NextPV, CNRS-U.Tokyo International Research Unit  Solicited by CNRS and Ambassade.
Plenary Session 2: Industrial Session solicited by CCIFJ.
Plenary Session 3: General science solicited by ABSCIF.
Plenary Session 4: Social and Human Science solicited by MFJ.

* L'accès aux manifestations de la MFJ est gratuit (sauf mention contraire), mais l'inscription préalable est obligatoire.
Merci de vous inscrire depuis la page Agenda de notre site web.
Dans le cadre des mesures de sécurité renforcées, une pièce d'identité sera demandée à l'entrée.

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