Maison Franco-japonaise: 日仏会館 Institut français de recherche sur le Japon à la Maison franco-japonaise (Umifre 19, MEAE-CNRS)

Langue:JA / FR


Globalization and Urban Dynamics in Asia
Comparative Approaches of Scientific and Politic "Hot Issues"

[ France-Taiwan-Japan Workshop ]

en anglais sans traduction
Date jeudi 15 décembre 2011 / 9 h 45 - 18 h 20
Lieu salle 601
  • Program (in English)

  • Speakers:
    • Natacha AVELINE-DUBACH (CNRS),
    • Yi-Ling CHEN (University of Wyoming),
    • Véronique DUPONT (Paris1-Panthéon Sorbonne),
    • Sylvie FANCHETTE (Paris1-Panthéon Sorbonne),
    • Guy FAURE (CNRS Tokyo),
    • HIRAYAMA Yosuke (Kobe Univerty),
    • Li-Ling HUANG (National Taiwan University),
    • Sue-Ching JOU (National Taiwan University),
    • Hélène LE BAIL (MFJ),
    • Jun-Hua LIN (University of Sheffield),
    • Jen-Jia LIN (National Taiwan University),
    • Tzu-Chin LIN (National Chengchi University),
    • OKABE Akiko (Chiba University),
    • Christophe MARQUET (MFJ),
    • MURAKI Miki (Chiba University),
    • TAMAGAWA Hidenori (Tokyo Metropolitan University),
    • YAHAGI Hiroshi (Ryukoku University)
  • For registration to participate in this seminar:
    please apply by E-mail to ryuko.nakamura.cnrs[to add]

  • Organized by:
    • French Research Institute on Japan MFJ (CNRS-Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Tokyo
    • French Center for Research on Contemporary China (CNRS- CNRS-Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Hong Kong
    • Department of Geography National Taiwan University
  • Sponsored by:
    • CNRS
    • Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, National Taiwan University
    • French Bureau Taipei

* L'accès aux manifestations de la MFJ est gratuit (sauf mention contraire), mais l'inscription préalable est obligatoire.
Merci de vous inscrire depuis la page Agenda de notre site web.
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Accueil > Agenda > Globalization and Urban Dynamics in Asia Comparative Approaches of Scientific and Politic "Hot Issues"

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