日時: | 2023年12月04日(月) 18:30-20:00 |
場所: | Room 601 |
講演者: | Jens SEJRUP (Assistant Professor, University of Copenhagen) |
To join us on site, please sign up using the Inscription button above.Registration to assist online (Zoom)After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. In light of the ongoing global boom in landmark architecture, urban megaprojects and the reconstruction of cultural heritage buildings, this presentation analyses two large-scale reconstruction projects at iconic historical locations in Japan: the Heijō Palace in Nara and Dejima in Nagasaki. Since the 1990s, the two projects have recreated long-lost built environments, gradually transforming the sites, turning them into museums and exhibition spaces and leading to the thorough reform of the surrounding urban fabric. In this talk, I trace the involved agents' motivations to engage in historical reconstruction, from early-phase experimental efforts to legitimise both sites' protected status, to present-day politico-economic mobilisations of important historical locations as a way to boost each city's attraction values. In this way, I link the two unfolding projects in Nara and Nagasaki to issues of urban boosterism, heritage production and the facilitation and commodification of past realities as a tourist experience. Approaching the reconstructions as contemporary heritage in traditional guise, I argue that both sites revolve materially, spatially and thematically around the master-metaphors of flow, growth and intercultural connectivity that characterise the present age. Elucidating processes of authentication and intersections of ideological and economic interests in and around the two sites, my presentation asks in what ways Japanese cities exploit lost iconic localities and reconstructed heritage under post-industrial conditions marked by globalisation and intense cultural-economic competition. Jens SEJRUP is Assistant Professor of Japanese Studies at the University of Copenhagen, dually appointed by the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies and the Department of Anthropology. His research interests include contemporary Japanese museum exhibitions and architecture, cultural heritage and present-day instrumentalisations of the historical past. He co-authored and co-edited the book Global Art in Local Art Worlds: Changing Hierarchies of Value (Routledge, 2023) and guest edited a special issue of the Journal of Transcultural Studies (2020). Among his other publications are single-authored research articles in the International Journal of Cultural Studies, Pacific Affairs, Museum History Journal, Social Science Japan Journal, Public Relations Inquiry, and a book chapter in Japanese Taiwan: Colonial Rule and its Contested Legacy (Bloomsbury, 2015). Speaker: Jens SEJRUP (Assistant Professor, University of Copenhagen) |
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日時: | 2023年12月05日(火) 12:30 - 14:00 |
場所: | room 601 & online |
講演者: | Sawako SHIRAHASE (Professor, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, University of Tokyo) |
To join us on site, please sign up using the Inscription button above.Registration to assist online (Zoom)After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. The gender gap in Japanese society remains extremely wide by international standards. Japan currently ranks 125th out of 146 countries in the World Economic Forum’s Gender Gap Index. Why does Japan continue to perform poorly when it comes to gender equality? In this presentation, I will tackle that question by looking at three key themes: work, family and education. For Japanese society to become not only more inclusive, but more innovative, it is essential to reduce the existing gender gap. Only through cooperation and forward-thinking in the areas discussed can we help to address that imbalance. Sawako SHIRAHASE Sawako Shirahase is a professor of sociology at Tokyo University’s Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology. She is also director of the university’s Center for Contemporary Japanese Studies (TCJS). Prof. Shirahase earned a DPhil (PhD in Sociology) from the University of Oxford where she specialized in social stratification, sociology of population, family change, and social security. She is a leading expert in her field and has led largescale research projects, including national surveys, into each topic area. Her recent publications include Social Stratification in an Aging Society with Low Fertility (ed., Springer, 2022), "Social Stratification Theory and Population Aging Reconsidered" (Japan Journal of Social Sciences, 2021), and The Structure of Social Stratification in an Aging Society with Low Fertility 1-3 (ed., Japanese only, University of Tokyo Press, 2021).
* イベントは、特に記載のない限り、すべて無料となっております。参加をご希望の方はお申し込みをお願いいたします。
日時: | 2023年12月05日(火) 18:00〜20:00 |
場所: | 601号室 |
講演者: | コリーヌ・ペリュション(哲学者、ギュスターヴ・エッフェル大学教授) |
コリーヌ・ペリュション 【講師】コリーヌ・ペリュション |
* イベントは、特に記載のない限り、すべて無料となっております。参加をご希望の方はお申し込みをお願いいたします。
日時: | 2023年12月08日(金) 18:00-20:00 |
場所: | room 601 & online |
講演者: | Martine DROZDZ (CNRS) |
To join us on site, please sign up using the Inscription button above.Registration to assist online (Zoom)After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. ©︎Philippe Guignard The Osaka Expo 2025 aims to highlight designs and innovations capable of preserving society and its future reproductive capacity against a backdrop of great ecological uncertainty. Addressing this theme, this conference will analyse changes in the design of urban European societies as they adapt to contemporary developments. Progressive awareness of the scale of changes brought about by what French environmental historians Christophe Bonneuil and Jean-Baptiste Fressoz call the "Anthropocene event" is leading a gradual reassessment of spatial planning policies. For a long time, the paradigm of sustainable development dominated discourse and practice, supported by the imaginary of a low-intensity future. However, the concept is now being replaced by that of adaptation. This notion, which has its origins in natural disaster response and preparedness, aims to rethink spatial planning policies and practices in the face of a more uncertain future. Forged in an ecological culture that emphasises bottom-up participation, territorial adaptation is also rooted in a resolutely experimental approach to planning and urban development, exploring the different possible futures inherent in each. This conference invites the audience to explore these futures by looking at various examples from European cities. Martine Drozdz is an urban geographer and senior research fellow at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). She is also a member of the Techniques, Territories and Societies Laboratory (LATTS) at the École des Ponts ParisTech / Paris School of Urban Planning and an affiliated professor at Sciences Po, where she teaches STS and the politics of ecological transitions. She has held visiting positions at the London School of Economics, University College London and the University of Geneva. Her research has received funding from the UK Leverhulme Trust, the European Council for Research and the French National Agency for Research. After working on the recent history of urban planning in Europe and the conflicts generated by major urban development projects in London and Paris, her work now focuses on the geographies and urban imaginaries of adaptation in European cities. Drozdz aims to develop a comparative understanding of adaptation and how it is implemented outside European societies.
Speaker: Martine DROZDZ (CNRS) |
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日時: | 2023年12月09日(土) 18:00〜20:00 |
場所: | 601号室 |
講演者: | パトリック・デュムイ(ランス・シャンパーニュ・アルデンヌ大学名誉教授) |
8世紀半ばにフランク王国に登場した王の戴冠式は、聖書にそのモデルを見出すことができ、王の権力の神聖な起源を意味し、その正当性と個人の不可侵性を強調するものであったはずである。式典の儀礼と王に与えられた記章は、13世紀まで徐々に豊かになっていった。多くのシンボルが盛り込まれ、自警団、戦士としてだけでなく、王国の繁栄の保証人としての役割も強調された。なぜなら、当時の王は、神と神に託された民との間の仲介者であったからである。 この講演会では、中世に書かれたテキストやフランスの博物館のコレクションに収められた多くの画像をもとに展開される。 パトリック・デュムイは中世専門の歴史学者、ランス・シャンパーニュ・アルデンヌ大学名誉教授。1951年ランス生まれ。1968年ランス・シャンパーニュ・アルデンヌ大学入学。1973年に歴史学教授資格を取得し、2016年に退職するまで講師、准教授、教授として教鞭を執る。故郷のランス・ノートルダム大聖堂が生涯の研究のきっかけとなる。記念碑とイコノグラフィーを研究し、数々の著作を上梓し、2010年にはコレクション『La Grâce d'une cathédrale(大聖堂の恩恵)』(ストラスブール, ラ・ニュエ・ブルー出版, 544 p.)の統合を監修。2011年にはランス・ノートルダム大聖堂築800周年の国際シンポジウムを開催。他方では、11世紀と12世紀の大司教の憲章を収集し(博士号論文, 1982; 拡大版は準備中)、2000年には、2005年に出版された『11世紀と12世紀のランス大司教とその教会』(ラングル, ドミニク・ゲニオ著, 814 p.)に関する論文を書き上げ、フランス学士院碑文・美文アカデミーにおける審査の結果、ゴベールグランプリを受賞した。さらに、国王の戴冠式へと関心が広がり、豊富な図解付き要約を2016年に出版((ストラスブール, ラ・ニュエ・ブルー出版、2016、288 p.)。一方で、シャンパーニュ地方のブドウとワインの歴史、地域の遺産と歴史にも数多くの作品を捧げ、地方および国レベルでの学術社会に大きく貢献している。 【講師】パトリック・デュムイ(ランス・シャンパーニュ・アルデンヌ大学名誉教授) |
* イベントは、特に記載のない限り、すべて無料となっております。参加をご希望の方はお申し込みをお願いいたします。
日時: | 2023年12月15日(金) 10:00 - 18:00 |
場所: | 1階ホール、ギャラリー、オンライン |
* イベントは、特に記載のない限り、すべて無料となっております。参加をご希望の方はお申し込みをお願いいたします。
日仏会館フランス事務所 / イベント・カレンダー > 2023年12月