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October 10th, 2023 (Tuesday) - Day 1: Sustain Asia and Anthropocene Studies
Venue : Room 601
9:30-10:00 am - Meet & Greet
10:00-10:45 am - Opening Remarks
- Didier MARTY-DESSUS, Counsellor for Science and Technology, Embassy of France to Japan
- Thomas GARCIN, Director, French Research Institute on Japan in Maison Franco-Japonaise
- Blandine RIPERT, Director, French Institute of Pondicherry
- Jacques MALEVAL, Director of the Tokyo Office, French National Centre for Scientific Research
10:45 am-12:30 pm - Session 1: Questioning Anthropocene Studies in Asian Contexts
- Laÿna DOZ, Project Assistant Professor, The University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan) - Conceptualizations of Nature in East and South-East Asia
- Isabelle GIRAUDOU, Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan) - Crisis Lawyering and the Search for Alternative Chronotopographies in the Anthropocene-Japan
- Paul JOBIN, Associate Research Fellow, Academia Sinica (Taipei, Taiwan) - An East Asian Perspective on Gaiapolitics
Moderator: Adrienne SALA, Assistant Professor, Waseda University (Tokyo, Japan)
12:00-13:30 pm: Lunch Break
13:30-15:15 pm - Session 2: Nuclear Issues and Anthropocene Studies in Asia
- ISHIDA Hidetaka, Emeritus Professor, The University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan) - The Deluge Comes Up to My Soul: After Fukushima, How to Treat Information on Wastewater?
- Sophie HOUDART, Senior Research Director, CNRS (Tokyo, Japan) - Closing or Opening up a Space for Disaster Experience: How to Learn from the Fukushima Disaster? An Anthropological Perspective
- Cécile ASANUMA-BRICE, Senior Researcher, CNRS (Tokyo, Japan) - Post-nuclear Disaster Reconstruction, a Myth? The Consequences of Countryside Villages Projected as a Global Model of Post-Nuclear Accident Resilience.
Moderator: Delphine VOMSCHEID, Researcher, French Research Institute on Japan (Tokyo, Japan)
15:15-15:45 pm: Coffee Break
15:45-17:30 pm - Session 3: The Anthropocene City and its Debates in Asia
- MURASAWA Mahoro, Professor, Ryukoku University (Kyoto, Japan) - On Urbanization and the Academic Turn: Perspectives on the History of Philosophy and Psychological Landscape Studies on 'Secondary Nature'
- Christoph RUPPRECHT, Associate Professor, Ehime University (Matsuyama, Japan) - Sustainable Multispecies Cities: Concepts, Experiments, Visions
- Andrea FLORES-URUSHIMA, Lecturer, Kyoto Seika University (Kyoto, Japan) - Debating Geodiversity and the Geomorphological Legacies of the Anthropocene City in Asia with a Focus on the Postwar Japanese Urbanization
Moderator: Raphael LANGUILLON, Researcher, French Research Institute on Japan (Tokyo, Japan)
18:30-20:30 pm: Dinner
Official address: Charles-Henri BROSSEAU, Cultural Counsellor at the Embassy of France to Japan (Tokyo, Japan)
International Symposium (Un)Sustainable Growth and Environment in Asian Territories Abstract With its forty million square kilometers and its four billion inhabitants, Asia is the largest and most populated region in the world. Hosting the second and the third economies of the planet (China and Japan), as well as four of the five most populated countries of the world (China, India, Indonesia, and Pakistan), the region has been facing tremendous changes since the 1990s: rapid urbanization, industrialization, containerization, agricultural "revolutions", sharp tourism development, globalization of its cities and its territories. However, the rise of Asia has also been related to the rise of important issues, as of social inequalities, unbalanced development of territories, multiple pollutions responsible of health issues and climate change, economic crisis, geopolitical tensions resulting in the militarization of Asian borders and seas in the context of the rise of the Indo-Pacific geopolitical issues. Are Asian (un)sustainable issues specific to the region? How Asian societies and territories tackle (un)sustainable challenges to reach a better future and ensure a harmonious development of a region where live half of humanity? This multidisciplinary symposium gathers scholars and experts coming from six Asian countries: India, Indonesia, Japan, Thailand, the Philippines, and Vietnam. It is divided into two days. The first day is dedicated to Anthropocene studies in Asia, with a special focus on two topics: nuclear and energy on one hand, and urbanization on the other hand. The second day focuses on major environmental issues in Asia, and deals with important topics such as resources, health, and air quality. This second day is co-organized with Globalsmog, another French research program. IRN SustainAsia The SustainAsia International Research Network (IRN) is a project selected by the CNRS in August 2018 with funding over five years (2019-2023). It is supported by five Joint Units of French Research Institutes Abroad ( in human and social sciences based in Asia (CEFC Hong Kong, CSH Delhi, IFP Pondicherry, IRASEC Bangkok and IFRJ-MFJ Tokyo), as well as UMR Paloc/IRD, and their regional academic partners: Indian Institute of Technology-Madras (Chennai); Indian Statistical Institute (Delhi); Chulalongkorn University (Bangkok); Hong Kong University of Sciences and Technology; The University of Tokyo. This interdisciplinary scientific network works on environmental and sustainable development issues in Asia, focusing on the socio-political and environmental challenges raised by economic inequalities, resource overexploitation and degradation, climate change, and past and present landscape dynamics. SustainAsia is one of the very few French research programs coordinating a transcontinental research program at the scale of the Indo-Pacific region.
Registration for Day 2