日時: | 2023年03月02日(木) 18:00〜20:00 |
場所: | 601号室 |
講演者: | エヴリーヌ・バルトゥ(ポー大学) |
* 定員に達したため、お申し込みを締め切らせていただきました。 エヴリーヌ・バルトゥは、ポー大学の社会学研究者。TREE(Transitions Energétiques et Environnementales)研究所研究員、エミール・デュルケムセンター(ボルドー大学)協力研究員。数年間、移民系の若者の調査を行った後、現在は先住民の若者と、コロナ禍に関連する社会・環境の変遷に関心を持つ。昨年『Les pairs à l'adolescence』(共著)を出版し、コロナ禍が若者や家族に与える影響についていくつかの研究を発表した。
【司会】アドリエンヌ・サラ(日仏会館・フランス国立日本研究所) |
* イベントは、特に記載のない限り、すべて無料となっております。参加をご希望の方はお申し込みをお願いいたします。
日時: | 2023年03月04日(土) 14:00〜18:30 |
場所: | 1階ホール |
講演者: | クリスティーヌ・バール(アンジェ大学)、村田京子(大阪府立大学名誉教授)、新實五穂(お茶の水女子大学)、吉川佳英子(愛知工業大学教授)、丹羽晶子(お茶の水女子大学大学博士後期課程)、渡辺采香(お茶の水女子大学大学博士後期課程) |
* 定員に達したため、お申し込みを締め切らせていただきました。
【司会】中山信子(早稲田大学演劇博物館研究員)、辻山ゆき子(共立女子大学教授)、西尾治子(日仏女性研究学会代表) 【主催】日仏女性研究学会、日仏会館・フランス国立日本研究所 【共催】(公財)日仏会館 【助成】 科学費基盤研究(C)研究代表者:村田京子 「ジェンダーの視点から見た19世紀フランス文学とモード、美術との相関性」(20K00501) |
* イベントは、特に記載のない限り、すべて無料となっております。参加をご希望の方はお申し込みをお願いいたします。
日時: | 2023年03月06日(月) 18:00〜20:00 |
場所: | 1階ホール |
講演者: | エドゥアール・レリッソン(フランス国立東洋言語文化学院) |
満州は、近代の神道が普及した主な地域の一つです。実際、1905年から1945年の間に建てられた神社が300箇所以上あります。この「海外神社」による具体的な空間の占有には、領土拡張の動きの中で神道の役割を正当化する一連の言説があります。本講演会では、松山珵三(1878-1947)、出口王仁三郎(1871-1948)、筧克彦(1872-1961)の3人の事例を取り上げ、宗教建築と言説との密接な関係を明らかにします。課題となるのは、満州という帝国空間の周縁との出会いが、近代の神道の中心人物たちの軌跡にとってどれほど影響があったかを示すことです。 【講師】エドゥアール・レリッソン(フランス国立東洋言語文化学院) 【司会】ベルナール・トマン(日仏会館・フランス国立日本研究所) 【主催】日仏会館・フランス国立日本研究所 【協力】(公財)日仏会館、フランス国立社会科学高等研究院・日仏財団 【協賛】(公財)渋沢栄一記念財団、学校法人帝京大学 【後援】在日フランス大使館、読売新聞社 |
* イベントは、特に記載のない限り、すべて無料となっております。参加をご希望の方はお申し込みをお願いいたします。
日時: | 2023年03月10日(金) 13:30〜18:00 |
場所: | 1階ホール |
講演者: | ジルダ・サルモン(国立科学研究センター・社会科学高等研究院)、 川本彩花(日本学術振興会特別研究員・滋賀大学)、山田陽子(大阪大学) |
【主催】科学研究費補助金・基盤研究(B)「『集合意識』から『情動の社会学』へ-デュルケーム社会学の現代的展開」(22H00904)、日仏社会学会、デュルケーム/デュルケーム学派研究会 【共催】日仏会館・フランス国立日本研究所 【協力】(公財)日仏会館 |
* イベントは、特に記載のない限り、すべて無料となっております。参加をご希望の方はお申し込みをお願いいたします。
日時: | 2023年03月15日(水) 12 h - 17 h 30 |
場所: | 601号室 |
Despite the growing number of publications and studies on TV series, little attention has been paid to their role in transmitting and sharing of values, deepening democracy, raising awareness of various threats (such as terrorism or health and climate crisis), and promoting social inclusion, gender equality, and diversity.
TV series are ambitious cultural works that inspire and inform our reflections on the world, going so far as sometimes to generate a "reality effect". For instance, the hero of the Ukrainian series Servant of the People, actor V. Zelensky, was elected president in real life. In Europe, series like Baron noir (France), and La Casa de Papel (Spain) aim to educate the public about political life and even to re-enchant democratic life. In Japan, shows like The Journalist and, in Korea, Spy and Vagabond explore the political relevance of series. The rise of post-apocalyptic series (such as The Walking Dead, The Leftovers, The Handmaid's Tale, Chernobyl, and The Last of Us) signals a greater attention to the risk of environmental or health catastrophes and of general loss of values and freedom while raising questions about accountability and responsibility. Moreover, the number of series revealing the backstage of democratic regimes facing the threat of terrorism is also increasing significantly (The Bureau, Fauda, False Flag, Deutschland 83, Our Boys, No Man's Land, Teheran). Through their long-term, weekly and seasonal regularity, their narratives, attachment to their characters, and democratization of their access on the Internet (streaming, platforms, amateur creation, mobility), series allow the expression and transmission of "public problems" in Dewey's sense and can play a role in preserving and developing the democratic spirit, thanks to their large audiences. The era when a television series dominated the entire public is over: each of us engages in an individual experience that shapes and transforms us, like an education. The series provide strong common cultural referents that populate ordinary conversations and political debates, creating a new public space. The study of television series is, therefore, not only a resource for reflecting on current issues but also a tool for social and political transformation. This workshop aims to bring together researchers from France, Japan, Eastern Europe, and other cultural contexts, in order to develop a reflection on the impact that series have on each of us and on the transformation of contemporary societies where they operate. Programme: 12:20-12:40 - Xavier Mellet, Individual Choice, Social Consequences? Moral Sensibility on Marriage in Contemporary Japan as staged in Kekkon dekinai otoko 12:40-12:50 - Q&A
13:00-13:20 - Reng Jibu, Traditional and Changing Gender Role appeared in Korean and Canadian Popular Series In its representations as well as in its narratives, the cinematic universe has so far illustrated and supported male domination, despite the great and regular performances of actresses. In its industry, only a handful of women have emerged for symbolically valued positions such as director. TV series have had a different trajectory. Since the turn of the century, the aesthetic power of television series has been well adapted to the progressive physical and ethical prominence of women. The feminist turn in the series came at the turn of the century, with the cult series Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997-2004) and the exceptional creative moment of HBO's early years. 13:40-14:00 - Tatsiana Zhurauliova and Anastasia Krutikova, Female Representation in Contemporary Russian TV Series: Three Case Studies
Since the 1990s, there has been a growing number of Russian TV series that prominently feature complex female characters, who take on an increasingly more diverse range of social roles. While these productions are often influenced by U.S. series (with some even originating as official or unofficial adaptations of American productions), Russian series offer a distinct vision of womanhood and femininity that is specific to the post-Soviet society. This presentation will focus on three recent Russian series Two Hills (Start, 2022-), An Ordinary Woman (TV-3/Premiere, 2018-2021), and The Sleepers (Yuri Bykov, Pervyi Kanal, 2017) to discuss the role of fictional serial representations in both reflecting and shaping the contemporary discourse on womanhood in contemporary Russia. We will ask: How are women depicted in recent Russian series? What models of gender relations do these series represent and/or promote? And what is the impact of these series on the broader understanding of feminism and womanhood in Russia? 14:00-14:30 - Q&A
14:30-14:45 - break 14:45-15:05 - Thibaut de Saint Maurice, What a TV Series can do against Terrorism? The Example of No Man's Land (Arte & Hulu, 2020) This paper explores the potential of security series as a democratic resource in the fight against terrorism, using the series No Man's Land (Arte 2020, Hulu 2020) as a case study. By portraying jihadist terrorism within the framework of patriarchal domination and presenting the struggle for democracy within the framework of feminist emancipation, No Man's Land helps viewers to understand and relate to a threat that is often oversimplified in media narratives as a distant foreign conflict or a singular attack. 15:05-15:25 - Sylvie Allouche, Code Artist: The Hacker of TV Series
Since 2010, there has been a growing number of TV shows that deal with hacking and cybersecurity, for example Person of Interest (2011-2016), Black Mirror (2011-2019), Mr. Robot (2015-2019), Le Bureau des Légendes (2015-2020), and many others. Each of these series approaches the theme in its own unique way, but they all share common elements. They all examine the impact of technology on society and the ethical dilemmas that arise when technology is misused. They also explore the complex relationships between individuals, corporations, and governments, and the power dynamics that come into play in the world of technology. We will look into the way these shows provide a variety of ethical dilemmas which allow for a variety of answers from the protagonists, and how they could develop in the future, considering how hackers, good or bad, are often romantically depicted as code artists of some sort and the growing possibilities offered by AI in the field. 15:25-15:45 - Camille Guinaudeau, Automatic Tools for TV Content AnalysisMachine learning approaches can take advantages of the different modalities of multimedia document (video, audio or semantic information extracted from speech) to automatically understand or organize multimedia collections. This talk will present an overview of recent works on multimedia understanding through scene segmentation, scene linking and memorability prediction, that can be useful for in depth TV series analysis. 16:45-16:15 - Q&A
16:15-16:30 - break 16:30-17:00 - Rémi Tereszkiewicz, TV Series, Key Assets of the TV3.0 (R)Evolution This keynote will present the latest evolutions of television in the OTT world and how TV series are used by the new and incumbent players to drive their strategies. Focused on Western Europe media landscapes, the presentation will be a mix of marketing strategy insights and live data discovery extracted from the usages of the 2,8M Betaseries community. 17:00-17:30 - General Discussion
Biography of the participants
Sylvie Allouche is part-time Associate Professor at Lyon Catholic University, and researcher in the Demoseries project since 2020. She develops her research on the philosophical issues raised by techno-scientific progress and on the relationship between philosophy and fiction, focusing on science fiction and TV series. Her recent work includes a chapter on the politics of Black Mirror and a paper presented at the Maison française d'Oxford on the politics of mind uploading in TV series. Camille Guinaudeau is Assistant professor in Computer Sciences at University Paris Saclay since 2013. Her research focuses on Natural Language Processing for Multimedia Document Understanding, especially TV series and news. Since September 2022, she is a member of the Japanese French Laboratory for Informatics in Tokyo. Renge Jibu is Associate professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Institute of Liberal Arts. She holds a B.A. of Law and an MBA from Hitotsubashi University. She worked as business journalist for Nikkei Business Publications, she was a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at University of Michigan, and a Freelance journalist. Her specialty is gender analysis of business management, policy making and media. She also gives talks, writes articles and provides advice for corporations and governmental organizations. Anastasia Krutikova is completing her PhD in socio-cultural anthropology at School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS), with her project focused on school representations of human diversity in France and Russia. Her research interests include secondary education, media and popular culture, and the history of anthropological thought. Sandra Laugier is Professor of Philosophy at Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, Senior Fellow of Institut Universitaire de France, and Principal Investigator of the European Research ERC Advanced Grant project Demoseries. She has extensively published on ordinary language philosophy, moral philosophy, democracy and civil disobedience. Her recent work focuses on gender studies and TV series and includes: Series. Laboratoire d'éveil politique (ed.), CNRS Éditions, 2023. Xavier Mellet is Associate professor at Waseda University, School of International Liberal Studies. He holds a PhD degree in Political Science from SciencesPo Paris, and is a member of the Area-studies and Plurilingual-Multicultural education program (APM program). His research focuses on French and Japanese domestic political issues, such as populism and youth political participation, and youth citizenship education. He co-founded in 2021 a French research group on Japanese domestic politics (Groupe de recherche sur le politique au Japon) with Ioan Trifu and Arnaud Grivaud. Thibaut de Saint Maurice has taught philosophy for the past fifteen years in different high schools in France. His research focuses on the moral and political implications of TV series, particularly in relation to the use of seriality. From 2010 to 2013, he served as the director of "Culture Pop" collection published by Ellipses. Since 2011, he has been exploring the intersection of fiction and everyday life in various columns on French public radio, France Inter. Adrienne Sala is Researcher at the French Research Institute on Japan at the Maison Franco-Japonaise (UMIFRE 19, CNRS, MEAE) since 2019, Associate Researcher at the Fondation France-Japon de l'EHESS. From 2019 to 2022 she was invited Researcher at the University of Tokyo. Her research focuses on sociopolitical issues related to legal mobilization, public policy and law-making process in Japan. Since 2021, she developed a research network about the "Judicialization of social and environmental issues in France and Japan". Rémi Tereszkiewicz is an expert of Over The Top (OTT) television services and TV series marketing. Having served since 1994 as VP or SVP in sales and marketing positions for various companies such as Warner Brothers (2016), Lagardère Studios / Mediawan (2014), Netgem (2004) or Eurosport (1994), he led the creation and launching of numerous TV services and SVOD/AVOD offers. He is currently CEO of Betaseries, a media platform running recommendation services for a community of 6 million monthly TV series fans and analysing TV series & OTT usages and trends for the media industry. Post-doctoral fellow in the ERC Demoseries project, Tatsiana Zhurauliova is an art historian, whose work focuses on the intersection of visual culture and discourses on identity and difference in the United States and in Eastern Europe. Tatsiana received her PhD from Yale University in 2014. Before moving to France, she held the position of a Collegiate Assistant Professor and a Harper and Schmidt Fellow in the Society of Fellows at the University of Chicago. Moderator: Adrienne SALA (IFRJ-MFJ) Organization: IFRJ-MFJ |
* イベントは、特に記載のない限り、すべて無料となっております。参加をご希望の方はお申し込みをお願いいたします。
日時: | 2023年03月15日(水) 18:00〜20:00 |
場所: | 601号室 |
講演者: | サンドラ・ロギエ(パリ第1大学) |
【司会】アドリエンヌ・サラ(日仏会館・フランス国立日本研究所) 【主催】日仏会館・フランス国立日本研究所 |
* イベントは、特に記載のない限り、すべて無料となっております。参加をご希望の方はお申し込みをお願いいたします。
日時: | 2023年03月22日(水) 18:00〜20:00 |
場所: | 601号室 |
講演者: | ミシェル・ケベル(ストラスブール大学) |
国民投票の結果は、ただ一つの原因によるものとされることはほとんどない。それは通常、様々な状況や、有権者の動員や選択に及ぼしたであろう影響の組み合わせである。2024年のオリンピック招致をめぐるハンブルグの住民投票の失敗を、招致推進派と反対派の行動、前回の招致結果、地元メディアと投票前の世論調査の役割、地元スポーツ協会の役割に基づき、さらに地元の枠組みを超えた政治・立法的背景に基づいて分析、説明する。 ミシェル・ケベルは、ストラスブース大学社会学教授。地域の政治とそれを担う人々や、その民主主義の形態、とりわけ市民の参加と論争、協会における権力と政治参加の問題について研究をしている。 最近では、欧州のオリンピック・パラリンピック招致における市民の関わりについてのエクセレンス・イニシアティブを指揮した。現在、欧州プロジェクト「JUSTICE」の学術的活動の一つである、「都市部における公共交通機関へのアクセシビリティと利用者の参加(フランス/ベルギー/トルコの比較)」の責任者である。 【司会】ラファエル・ランギヨン(日仏会館・フランス国立日本研究所) 【主催】日仏会館・フランス国立日本研究所 |
* イベントは、特に記載のない限り、すべて無料となっております。参加をご希望の方はお申し込みをお願いいたします。
日仏会館フランス事務所 / イベント・カレンダー > 2023年3月