Maison Franco-japonaise: 日仏会館 Institut français de recherche sur le Japon à la Maison franco-japonaise (Umifre 19, MEAE-CNRS)

Langue:JA / FR


Lunch Seminar for Japanese Economy and Society

The Politics of Japan’s Soft Power

en anglais sans traduction
Date vendredi 17 novembre 2017 / 12:30 - 14:00
Lieu Room 601

During the G7 summit in May 2016, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and President François Hollande agreed to hold a large-scale event showcasing Japanese culture in Paris and other French cities in 2018, a year that marks the 160th anniversary of Japan-France diplomatic relations.
Entitled Japonismes 2018, this major event will take place around France, with a concentration in Paris, from July 2018 to February 2019. Planned exhibitions include: art from the Jomon period, seen as representing the origins of Japanese culture; works by the painter Ito Jakuchu; Rinpa School paintings; and the latest media art, anime and games. Performing arts will range from Kabuki, Noh, Kyogen and Gagaku to contemporary theater and Hatsune Miku. There will also be many cultural exchange programs highlighting Japanese life and culture, including cuisine, traditional festivals, Zen, martial arts, tea ceremony, and ikebana.
Nevertheless, this kind of cultural event represents only a fragment of Japan’s current engagements with soft power. This presentation aims to address the wider historical, political and geopolitical milieu in which Japan’s soft power is defined and projected, along with other recent initiatives.


Yasushi Watanabe is a professor of anthropology at the Graduate School of Media and Governance at Keio University. Highly interested in the relationship between culture and politics, he has published several books and articles, including Rethinking of “Culture”: On the Concept of Cultural Security (Iwanami Shoten, 2015), Culture and Diplomacy: The Age of Public Diplomacy (Chuokoron-Shinsha, 2011), Soft Power Superpowers: Soft Power Superpowers: Cultural and National Assets of Japan and the United States (University of Michigan Press). He has served on the Advisory Committee on Public Diplomacy at the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the International House of Japan. He was also chair of the Advisory Panel on NHK World and co-chair of the Japan Advisory Council of the Salzburg Global Seminar. He received the Japan Academy Prize in 2005.

Moderator: Rémi SCOCCIMARRO (UMIFRE 19 - MFJ)
Organization: Bureau français de la MFJ
Co-organization: CCI France Japon

In English without translation

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