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Abstract: How are we to understand the salience of “history” issues under Abe government? What exactly are his words and deeds on such issues as the “comfort women” (sex slaves) issue, textbook issue, and Yasukuni visit? Why does he care so much? What are the backgrounds of his nationalism? This seminar tries to shed light on Abe’s approach to history and education by placing them in his wider revisionist agenda. Profil: Koichi Nakano is Professor of Political Science at the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Sophia University (Ph.D. in Politics, Princeton University). He specializes in comparative politics of advanced industrial democracies, particularly Japan and Europe, and in political theory. His research has focused on a variety of issues of Japanese politics, including neoliberal globalization and nationalism, and the Yasukuni problem. Moderator: Jean-Michel BUTEL (UMIFRE 19 – MFJ) Org.: Bureau français de la MFJ. Co-org.: CCIFJ. 