日時: | 2015年03月12日(木) 14:00 - 16:00 |
場所: | 601号室 |
講演者: | ティモテ・パリ (国務院、判事/パリ・エスト・クレテイ ユ大学) |
【要旨(英文)】 The existence of Administrative courts is in many ways, in France, the result of historical and cultural evolution specific to that country. Initially created as an advisory body of the executive branch, the Conseil d’Etat progressively became fully independent and is today, as the supreme administrative court in France and together with administrative courts of first instance and appeal, pivotal to maintaining the relationship between citizens and public authorities and to the protection of fundamental rights. Through the example of freedom of expression, this conference will analyze the salient features of the evolution that have allowed this culturally-rooted institution to become progressively one example, amongst others, of the utility of specialized administrative courts for the strengthening of the Rule of Law. 【司会】 晴山一穂(専修大学法科大学院) 【主催】 日仏会館フランス事務所、専修大学法科大学院行政法研究室 |
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日仏会館フランス事務所 / イベント・カレンダー > 2015年3月12日