Maison Franco-japonaise: 日仏会館 Institut français de recherche sur le Japon à la Maison franco-japonaise (Umifre 19, MEAE-CNRS)

Langue:JA / FR


Lunch Seminar on Japanese Economy and Society

Japan’ Security Policy:
Rules and Reality Since 9/11

[ Séminaire ]

en anglais sans traduction
Date vendredi 25 avril 2014 / 12 h 30 - 14 h
Lieu salle 601
Conférencier Kacem ZOUGHARI (MFJ-UMIFRE 19)
Abstract :
The permanent desire to achieve complete security in order to protect the population and the country’s main offices and public places has driven the Japanese government to emphasize its security policy, especially in the wake of major incidents such as the 1995 sarin gas attack and the 9/11 terrorist strikes.
The security methods and rules instituted by the Japanese government since 2001 show how Japan’s quiet and peaceful society has changed profoundly over the past ten years. The rise of issues such as new urban violence, organized crime groups from foreign countries, drugs, prostitution and internet fraud has pushed the Japanese government to introduce new laws, adopt new investigation methods and create new institutions (such as elite military corps, special police troops, a drugs department, and cyber-police).
Based on interviews conducted with various members of these institutions, my presentation will consider the different methods, laws, groups and techniques adopted by the Japanese government to maintain security, law and order in the country.

Profil :
PhD in Japanese studies, the history of Japanese classical military and fighting schools.
Associate Researcher at MFJ
Invited Researcher at the International Research Center for Japanese Studies (Nichibunken)
Books: Ninja: Ancient Shadow Warriors of Japan, Tuttle, Vermont USA, 2010.
Ninpo, Ninjutsu: L’ombre de la lumière, Guy Trédaniel, Paris, 2003.

Moderator: Jean-Michel BUTEL (MFJ-UMIFRE 19)

Org: Bureau français de la MFJ.
Co-org: CCIFJ.

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