Maison Franco-japonaise: 日仏会館 Institut français de recherche sur le Japon à la Maison franco-japonaise (Umifre 19, MEAE-CNRS)

Langue:JA / FR


Colloque international : The Art of Chairing the G8 Summits: Lessons from the Past and Recent Trends of Multi-lateral Diplomacy

[ Colloque international ]

en anglais sans traduction
Date samedi 17 juillet 2010 / 10 h - 13 h
Lieu Keio University, Mita Campus
  • Vendredi 16 juillet : 14h - 18h 20
    Samedi 17 juillet : 10 h - 13 h
  • G-SEC Lab, 6F, East Research Building, Mita Campus
    Keio University, Tokyo
  • Programme en pdf
  • Intervenants / List of speakers (in the order of intervention):
    • Takashi Inoguchi (Univ. Niigata Prefecture)
    • Toshiro Tanaka (Univ. Keio)
    • Wilfried Loth (Univ. Duisburg-Essen)
    • Hitoshi Suzuki (Univ. Niigata Prefecture)
    • Pascaline Winand (Monash European and EU Centre)
    • Olivier Giscard d'Estaing (Canon Foundation in Europe)
    • Valéry Giscard d’Estaing (Former French President) via video conference
    • Kazuo Ogoura (Japan Foundation)
    • Keisuke Iida,(Univ. Tokyo)
    • Tomohito Shinoda (International University of Japan)
    • Pascal Vennesson (European University Institute)
    • Xavier/Jiejin Zhu (Shanghai International Studies University)
    • Apichai Wongsod Shipper (Univ. of Southern California)
  • Organisation :
    Center for Policy Research - University of Niigata Prefecture
    Keio Jean Monnet Centre for EU Studies - Keio University
    Monash European and EU Centre - Monash University
    Institut de recherche de la Maison Franco-Japonaise
  • Financement : Suntory Foundation

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Accueil > Agenda > Colloque international : The Art of Chairing the G8 Summits: Lessons from the Past and Recent Trends of Multi-lateral Diplomacy

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